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Stay-in Hair Conditioner

Our Hair often faces a wide range of challenges day to day. Some of these challenges include tangles and knots, dryness which can make the hair brittle, greasy due to the over-production of natural oil (Sebum) at the scalp, heat damage from styling/straightening, chemical damage from colour/bleaching treatments and pollution/toxins which can attack the hairs outer structure leading to damage and breakage. It is widely known that shampoo's containing Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS) will dry out the scalp and hair leading to over-production of sebum which results in the hair becoming oily with a greasy feel. Heat and chemical treatment of hair can have long lasting detrimental effects on the hair.

Here at Nativis, we have developed a Stay-in hair conditioner that will remedy many of the issues outlined above. It is 100% natural in composition, and contains a natural active ingredient derived from Sericin which we have called Silk Hydra-Fix©. This active ingredient will coat the hair strands and restore their surface texture and strength. This will lead to increased strength and shine. It will also hydrate the hair giving it increased bounce and toughness. It will also facilitate significantly easier brushing which will also lead to a reduction in hair loss through breakage. Being skin friendly in nature it will deeply hydrate and moisturise the scalp, helping to balance sebum production and reducing the likelihood of dandruff from developing. Used regularly, your hair will feel softer, stronger and have increased shine and bounce.

Products for Stay-in Hair Conditioner
Silk Hydra-Fix Conditioning Hairspray (200g)Sensitive Soap

Directions for Use - Spritz & Style at Low Temperature

  1. Apply the Stay-in conditioner to the hair whilst damp (after washing and towel drying) or when dry. Spritz liberally over the hair and where hair is thick in nature, spritz through the hair in layers to provide penetration.
  2. Once applied, brush the hair from the roots to the tips. It should feel very easy to brush the hair and should significantly reduce hair breakage during brushing.
  3. Once brushed in dry the hair if the stay-in conditioner was applied to damp hair. If applied to dry hair, then there is no need for a drying step.
Price £21.00

Use the above procedure after washing hair or when dry. The stay-in conditioner is long lasting and one complete application can easily last for 1-2 days. The hair can be dampened with water to re-activate the silk Hydra-fix® so that the hair can be brushed again easily, and the same benefits described above can be realised again to extend the lifetime of an application. Continued use of the Stay-in Conditioner will markedly improve the look, feel and strength of your hair and make it significantly easier to manage, a big advantage in the morning rush. Ideal for getting the children’s hair brushed quickly in the morning without the pain and drama caused by knots and tangles!

