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Chapped Lips Package

Our lips do not contain oil glands like other regions of the skin, and they are therefore more susceptible to drying out and becoming chapped (cracked). Low air humidity in the winter months or frequent exposure to the sun in the summer can cause and worsen this condition. The following symptoms are commonly experienced on and around the lips when the lips become chapped: Dryness, flaking, scales, sores, swelling, cracks and bleeding.

Here at Nativis, we have developed a range of Skincare products to help manage chapped lips. The products are 100% natural in composition, and all contain a natural active ingredient derived from Sericin which we have called Silk Hydra-Fix©. This active ingredient rapidly soothes the lips through deep hydration and moisturisation of the skin. We recommend using the Silk Hydra-Fix© Moisturising Gel for relief from cracked lips. If the lips are excessively cracked, then it is advisable to also apply Silk Hydra-Fix©® Moisturising Cream No. 1 in combination with the Gel as this will give added protection from dehydration of the lips. The continued use of the Gel and Cream should rapidly bring this often painful condition under control. Positive results should be observed using the products described in this package after 1-2 days and should improve significantly with continued use.

Products Package for Chapped Lips
Silk Hydra-Fix Moisturising Gel (200g)Sensitive Soap

Directions for Use - Hydrate the Lips

  1. With clean fingers, apply the Moisturising Gel gently to the lips and surrounding skin.
  2. Move the lips gently over each other in a sideways and backwards forwards motion.
  3. Apply frequently to maintain hydration of the lips.
Silk Hydra-Fix Moisturising Cream (50g)Sensitive Soap

Directions for Use - Moisturise and Protect the Lips

  1. For lips that are cracked and particularly sore in nature, apply a small quantity of the Moisturising cream onto the lips and surrounding skin after applying the Gel.
  2. Move the lips gently over each other in a sideways and backwards forwards motion.
  3. Apply frequently in combination with the Gel to maintain hydration and protect the lips from drying.
Package Price £37.80 - SAVING 10%

Repeat above procedure daily for best results. Improvements should be seen within a 1-2 days with the soreness, irritation and dryness subsiding. The gel and cream can be applied as often as required in the daytime/night time to calm any discomfort felt. Continued regular daily use of the gel and cream should prevent lips from chapping, especially during colder periods or during exposure to sunlight.

